Flashcards just got smarter with Present Pal V6!

Say goodbye to the tedious process of typing out flashcards. Present Pal V6 allows you to create flashcards using your voice effortlessly. Speak your thoughts or paste your notes and your words will be transformed into concise, effective talking points.

Personalised Learning Experience

No two learners are alike, and we recognise the importance of customisation. Present Pal V6 lets you edit your flashcards and add safety nets to match your unique learning style and support you during your presentation.

Informed by Students

At Present Pal, we believe in the power of feedback. The Smart Flashcard Creation feature is a result of listening to our community. Student insights and suggestions have played a crucial role in shaping the new release.


Update the Present Pal app now to access the new feature.

While you are here find out about our events…

Drop-in Q&A sessions with Joe

In addition to the innovative features of Present Pal V6, we're excited to introduce recurring meetings with Joe – your go-to expert for all things Present Pal. These sessions will be Q&A style and are an opportunity for you to come with any questions about Present Pal and have them answered!

These will be every Wednesday from 11-1pm, join us on the link below.

Webinar: Unpacking Masking and the Impact on Students

When we think about masking, many people might think about it as a universal experience. We're all professional at work, and more carefree at home, right? While there is some truth in this, autistic masking is much more complex, multifaceted, and has actually led to many misconceptions and myths about what it means to be autistic.

In this webinar, Liss and Lucy will discuss their experiences as late-diagnosed autistic students, and how masking has affected their mental health, sense of identity, and university experiences.